Our affordable door-to-door transportation service for adults 60 years and older and people with disabilities has been around for over 50 years helping thousands of people in our community remain independent. 

The success of our service has been largely dependent on its volunteer drivers. Please help us continue to make a difference in our community by helping those in need lead a more fulfilling and self-sufficient lifestyle!
Volunteers must have a valid Wisconsin driver license, be 18 years or older, have a good driving record, and complete a minimum of 2 ride-along shifts with a current volunteer driver.
Click here to apply!

Flexible Schedule | Shifts are 4-5 hours long with AM/PM options;
Morning route - 7:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Afternoon route - 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Vehicles Provided | Fleet of vehicles includes sedans, accessible
mini-vans and buses.

Insurance Provided | Vehicle insurance coverage provided by Curative Connections

Commercial Driver's License (CDL) | Not required

Training | Provided through ride-alongs with current drivers

Physical Requirements | Minimal with no heavy lifting

Rider Fees | Minimal handling of rider fee collection

Please contact Brenda Jordan at 920-593-3535 or bjordan@curativeconnections.org.