Susan Mielcarek
Susan Mielcarek

Sue Mielcarek shared her story at the Garden Gala 2023 as the keynote speaker. She has navigated through some incredibly difficult tragedies including the loss of her beloved son, Michael. Sue has experienced trauma and heartache but has done her best to remain positive and committed to enjoy this one life she is living. However, this trauma and stress have had an impact on Sue’s health.

 In September 2021, Sue and her family noticed changes in her memory. The changes caused her to become more isolated, introverted, and nervous about doing the things she used to love doing. Always an avid reader, Sue had trouble comprehending and focusing on what she was reading, so she withdrew and put her books away. She could not stay focused, and her family noticed she was repeating things. Sue met with a neurologist and was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment.

 The diagnosis was terrifying. Sue was saddened to think about all the things she might miss. She sought out resources and learned about Curative Connections. After attending Mind Movers for early memory loss, Sue credits the program, the caring and compassionate staff, and her supportive peers, who never judge, for allowing her to take her life back. It takes time and hard work but through Mind Movers, Sue has retrained her brain and slowed the progression of her disease.

Sue shared, “I appreciate that they understand me and what I am going through in ways my family cannot. In fact, we not only understand each other, we cheer for each other’s successes. I am not alone because of Curative Connections.”

 Today Sue walks, bikes, kayaks, gardens, travels, enjoys time with family and advocates for people with memory loss. She speaks on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association at events across Wisconsin. Recently, she spoke to students at UW-Madison who are researching dementia and state legislators about medications and treatments for dementia. It is a busy and wonderful life that she is now capable of and one she loves living to her fullest! Sue, thank you for sharing your journey with us.